Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hi, my name is Annie, and I'm a Pinterest addict.

All together now: Hi, Annie. :)

I don't know about you, but I've recently become overwhelmingly inspired by the unending supply of wonderful ideas on Pinterest.

A little about Pinterest for those that just stumbled upon this blog, and have been trapped under a rock and don't know what pinterest is--it's essentially a gigantic social virtual bulletin board where you "pin" pictures in groups on boards that you create. You can create themes for your boards like DIY craft, home decor or fashion, and then you can re-pin pictures that other people have posted, or create your own "pins" of pictures that you find on the Internet by using the "pin it" button. Your pins are shared with your followers so they can see what you are interested in and re-pin your pins if they wish.

A more accurate description of Pinterest is the word FABULOUS! To me, the beauty of pinterest is that it brings together a bunch of creative people in one place, sharing what inspires them with the rest of the world. Creativity breeds creativity.

By nature, I'm a creative person--but over the last year or so I've been in a creative rut. Last December I gave birth to a sweet baby girl, but life as a new mom (and a working mom at that) doesn't lend itself to much free time for self expression. Not to mention the no-sleep, coffee induced coma I walk around in during the work week.

When I first came across Pinterest, I was skeptical at first. I didn't have time for another social media platform as I was already having trouble keeping up with my facebook and twitter friends. But Pinterest is different. As soon as I got my invite and started making my first few pins I felt all those creative juices start to flow once again, and I was hooked.

So here we are. A few weeks later and I've already completed several fun and easy pinterest inspired projects--and I have a growing list of what I want to do next. And because my poor husband can't handle any more of my constant jabbering, I decided that I needed an official place to talk about it all.

This blog is dedicated to all the things that have "Pinspired" me. I plan to post about Pins that have my creativity and organizational juices flowing, products that I just HAVE TO HAVE, projects I'm working on, pictures and reviews of my finished projects, recipes, as well as a plethora of other things I find amusing. I'll also tell you when a project gets the Pinspired Mama approval, or whether it was a dud and you shouldn't waste your time. Because that's me, I'm honest. :)

If you're new to Pinterest and need a little help getting started, I ran across this tutorial that may help. Pinterest 101 Tutorial

You can also follow me on Pinterest at http://pinterest.com/annieflash/ to see what I'm up to and I might even follow you back. :)

Thanks for checking out my blog!
Happy Pinning!!

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